Visual work (landing pages, icons, marketing... etc)

A bit more random visual work since my portfolio mainly focuses on UX.

Few mockups of webpages stacked one below each other

Onex Group website re-design

Onex Group had rebranding so they've needed to update their website as well. I was one of two designers working on this project.

Screenshot of Onex Group re-designed website

Icons for hippo

I've created some icons based on our design system for various interface purposes.

Icons designed by me.

Hippo - smart insurance LP

Landing page that informs potential customers about benefits on insuring their house with Hippo.

Screenshot of hippo landing page with focus on smart devices

Hippo - Simplisafe x Hippo LP

Cooperation between Hippo (home insurance) and Simplisafe (home monitoring tools).

Screenshot of hippo landing page with focus on smart devices